May 1974 It established a KAINAN CONSTRUCTION Ltd. of capital 2,000,000yen,
   Headquartered in Tokyo.
   August 1978 Malaysia subsidiary of Capital forty thousand M$.
   And established the Southeast Asia office in Malaysia. 1997 closure
   April 1980 The representative office opened in Singapore countries.
   (1983 Southeast Asia merger in office)
   May 1988 The capital increase in capital 5,000,000yen.
   May 1988 To set up a liaison office in Bangkok, Thailand.1997 closure
   May 1988 The capital increase in capital 5,500,000yen.
   August 1988 The capital increase in capital 11,000,000yen.
   March 1993 The capital increase in capital 14,300,000yen.
   November 1993 The capital increase in capital 20,800,000yen.
   June 1999 The capital increase in capital 30,810,000Yen
   March 2002 The capital reduction in capital twenty four 23,400,000Yen
   February 2007 The change in corporation name KAINAN CORPORATION
   April 2007 To set up a liaison office in Indonesia Jakarta.
   April 2007 To set up a liaison office in Philippines Manila..
   April 2014 Change in representative offices the Liaison Office of the Philippines Manila.
(31st March 2017)